fees and charges

Fees are charged per week and must be paid at the beginning of each class. Payment can be via cash or card

(tap-and-go). 10% discounts apply to families with more than one student at FUSE and/or students

participating in more than one class per week.

  • Registration

    $35.00 per student

  • Dance Classes

    30 Minute Classes - $12.00 per week

    45 Minute Classes - $14.00 per week

    60 Minute Classes - $16.00 per week

    75 & 90 Minute Classes - $18.00 per week

    Commercial Jazz - $18.00 per week (with Rego) or $20.00 per week Casual

    Adults Fun & Fitness - $16.00 per week (with Rego) or $20.00 per week Casual

  • Costume Levy

    (50% in Term 2 & 50% in Term 4)

    Tinies & Kids - $44.00

    Juniors - $64.00

    Inters - $84.00

    Seniors - $104.00

    Costume Levies include a medallion for each performer.

    A Performance Package is also available for dances which include essential performance items including tights, leotard and a copy of the performance on USB.